50cent vs the gay community

one of many attention seeker 50 has took his ridiculous views at twitter telling gay people to kill themselves i wonder how he really feels now that the third teenager has committed suicide
he twitted: "If you a man and your over 25 and you don't eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol"
he twitted: “Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better.“
 someone in his camp need to tell I'm that anti gay violence is no laughing matter and the fact that someone in his caliber would make statement like that makes me sick, i don't blame the gay community for being mad at him

Oh Justin

Justin Timberlake now thinks he is the real actor he goes on about how he pick and chooses roles that suit him
"…Does a painter make a painting because he has to make it by December 21st? No, he doesn’t. It happens when it pours out of him. That’s how music is for me. I never stop making music. I don’t know what else to tell you, except that I just don’t know [in] what capacity I want to be involved anymore. All I’m saying is, in very simple terms, I’ll know when I know. And until I know, I don’t know." ware not even sure what that means can someone please tell him to stop already and start producing album which is something that he is good at

movie reviews:Gurira

In the sleepy town of Riverton, legend tells of a serial killer who swore he would return to murder the seven children born the night he died. Now, 16 years later, people are disappearing again. Has the psychopath been reincarnated as one of the seven teens, or did he survive the night he was left for dead? Only one of the kids knows the answer. Adam "Bug" Heller was supposed to die on the bloody night his father went insane. Unaware of his dad's terrifying crimes, he has been plagued by nightmares since he was a baby. But if Bug hopes to save his friends from the monster that's returned, he must face an evil that won't rest--until it finishes the job it began the day he was born.
Cast: Max Thieriot, Nick Lashaway, Denzel Whitaker, Jessica Hecht, Frank Grillo, Zena Grey, Dennis Boutsikaris, Emily Meade, Shareeka Epps, Danai Gurira

Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Bon Jovi Nominated For Rock And Roll Hall of fame

The list of 15 nominees for the 2011 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is one of the most eclectic yet, encompassing everyone from punk-inspired rap trio the Beastie Boys to one of rap's most enduring icons, LL Cool J, New Jersey rock warhorses Bon Jovi, original shock-rocker Alice Cooper and gravel-voiced troubadour Tom Waits.


A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook.
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, Rashida Jones

Director: David Fincher 

Lady Gaga has a new marginary friend Andy Warhol

lady gaga is convinced trolled by Andy Warhol should we be worried she is said to be obsessed by the late artist she is lately making decisions based on their imaginary decision she even bought some of his work and is said to be planning the theme park.
the source said' she is convinced he is controlling her from beyond the grave, guiding her life and carrier.'  and let the craziness begins and see maybe something good will come out of these.

Review: Legend of the Guardians

Visually thrilling Legend, about an idealistic owlet searching for the fabled Guardians, soars on the strength of its gorgeous 3-D animation and stellar voice cast. But the relentless darkness and intense action might upset younger viewers.but still overall great

Sarah Palin Booed on Dancing With the Stars

some people are just rude i hope they realises that it only just politic how is booing her going to help anything.

Leonardo pays tribute to actrees Gloria Stuart

Yesterday the titanic actress died t the aged of 100 and Leonardo had these sweet words to say about her"[she] was a force both on and off screen . . . She was one of the last great actresses from the Golden era of Hollywood. I was honored to have worked along side her. She will be missed."

David get in on with the hooker

David Beckham is on to his old tricks again and it has nothing to do with football his is sleeping with hookers again I am not really sure whether he is deliberately trying to get himself into trouble or what so that we won’t think he is a sissy. Why do all these celebrities choose the one that has big mouth I though most of them would lay low after tiger woods saga? His hooker girlfriend is telling anyone who would listen that David paid her for sex and apparently she can prove it if he agrees to take is pants off good luck for that you were lucky the first time I’m not sure about the second time and girl every man pay for sex once a while and now that you are opening your mouth you may lose costumers. Why does he had to pay I know a lot of girls who will sleep with him for free and wont tell.   

Commonwealth games- the waiting game

commonwealth games are in serious jeopardy as the Indian seemed to be not ready and they friend in Pakistani must be happy as for once they are not the focal point. what makes people angry is the fact that the people incharge keep showing the brave face most countries are threaten the boycott the game.what pissed me off was the explanation given by one delegate saying the now infamous line'their standard of hygiene differ from my standard of hygen' i would love to defend them but the pictures don't lie

Lyfe Jennings to spend three years in three years in jail

while other artist avoid jail time these days it wasnt so for lyfe he was sentnced in three years in prison. the sentence stem from troubles  The singer kicked down the door of a house in Smyrna, Georgia, in an attempt to find Joy Pound and later fired a gun outside. Smyrna police saw a red 2005 Corvette fleeing the scene, and Jennings was caught after a high-speed chase that ended when the singer smashed the vehicle. He refused a sobriety test. Jennings was handed misdemeanor charges of criminal trespass, discharging a firearm near a public highway and refusal to take a DUI test, in addition to two felony counts of attempting to elude an officer and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.


what the hell!!!!!!

can someone please tell Lil Kim to stop we are not really sure what she is trying to trying to achieve she is almost unrecognisable.her pictures she shot for kontrol magazine is plain weird oh well look out for her new single dropping out in October.

Jodie on Mel Gibson

People had been eager to here what she has to say about her friend Mel Gibson who has turned psycho these days abusing his baby mama.
She tells more magazines:” When you love a friend you don't abandon them when they are struggling. Of course, Mel is an undeniably gifted actor and director and The Beaver is one of his most powerful and moving performances. But more importantly, he is and has been a true and loyal friend. I hope I can help him get through this dark moment."
 As much as people may like to feel sorry for him we also need to understand that he brought this upon himself he has turned to a violent, raving and a racist psycho

Paris to avoid time

Our girl Paris will avoid jail time in her felony cocaine case according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, with a plea agreement. She is expected to plead gulty to misdemeanor drug possession and misdemeanor obstructing an officer on Monday. The plea deal will land the socialite a year of probation.
"Ms. Hilton understands the seriousness of the situation and appreciates the chance she is being given," the socialite's lawyer David Chesnoff told The Associated Press. "She has to stay out of trouble."

Pakistani cricket- the story continue

Is it me or what Pakistani cricketers has suddenly became a soft target when it comes to match fixing; it almost like every player that goes out cheaply or gives away runs automatically becomes a match fixer. Even if they were guilty the first time around I don’t think they would be stupid enough to do it again so soon..

Kidman going to Broadway

The Oscar winning actress is due to star in a revival of Tennessee William play Sweet Bird of youth a production. ‘It something that is in the work [and] there’s any intent to move forward’ a spokesperson said
Sweet bird of youth was first staged on Broadway in 1959; this revival is to be directed by David Cromer.
We all know that when the roles ant coming the second best thing to do is Broadway I wonder how those artist who make their living in theatre feels when all these big stars suddenly comes in and takes their jobs.

Lindesy fails the drug test

I’m not sure how she going to get out of this one she reportedly failed the drug test testing positive for cocaine she is facing a 30 day jail sentence. She is trying to rebuild her reputation and I am afraid it’s no


What is it about them that we like beside that they have money and lives in the million dollar house nothing really well has talent if I may said so my self the rest lives much to be desired I

Susan Boyler sings for the pope

Our favorite girl has dreamed it and well its came true
She joined an 800 choir in singing hymn at Glasgow’s Bella Houston Park. In a pre statement she said ‘it’s a great honor to sing for the pope and its something I’ve always dreamed of.’
Benedict is on the 4 day state visit to Britain which includes meeting with the queen

Joaquin Phoenix- I’m still here

The director of the film/ documentary had admitted what people already suspected all along that the film is a fake it was all acting.
After much speculation and negative reviews Affleck [director] revealed that the film was fake he describe how footage of phoenix and his siblings frolicking in panama were actually actors swimming in Hawaii, with film later doctored to look the age. He also revealed  that disturbing moments in the movie in which phoenix appears to live it up with the prostitutes were created with help of actors and apparently their agents were on site to monitor the scene
The revelation comes a little too late though as most of us still think it sucks

Borat to play Freddie Mercury

Sacha baron Cohen is to play the role of queen fount man Freddie in the upcoming film to be produced in 2011
Great we are happy to see that he can play anything other than borat.


I spent all day trying to ignore some Heidi and Spencer headlines you could swear that the pope had died or something I mean really do we have to keep paying attention to those two douchbags some attention I can not believe it. They apparently rekindled their relationships as if they were ever going to divorce they were made of each other like bread and butter obviously they realized that their fame was declining and went on the publicity campaigning fighting on public and serving each other divorce papers and it worked every media in the USA and world for that matter is running their story even though most of us outside America rally don’t know what they do exactly beside once being on the reality shows that we never actually watched even insider are giving them the interview I wonder why i love it when they claims to be soul mate

Making Urban Movies

By: Sid Kali
There is a belief that when you attach the word urban to a indie movie that the story will be based on life in the ghetto or barrio. Plus the production quality will be less than an art house film made for the same budget.

Many talented filmmakers are changing that thought by putting out high quality urban movies made on indie budgets. The diversity of the urban genre continues to grow because the storylines are connecting with a larger audience by going beyond what you would expect to see in a urban movie.

The word 'crime drama' is used to describe films like 'The Departed', 'Scarface' and 'American Gangster', but you could easily label them as great urban movies.

After I watched 'Menace II Society' by the Hughes Brothers I knew I wanted to make urban movies. Making independent urban movies has been a learning experience for me.

I completed my first film titled 'Consignment'. The script centered around an East Coast drug dealer that runs into trouble and has to lay low on the West Coast. This being the movies all the problems that come with drug money, women, and jealous rivals plays out.

When I sat down to write the script I knew I was going for a story that was authentic and showed a Black and Latino perspective. When it was done I was able to mix in some outlaw bikers and corrupt police. The bonus was being able to add people I grew up with to the cast to give it a real edge.

Working within a budget that was raised through the kindness of family and friends was challenging, but rewarding. Not having money to throw at problems forces you to come up with creative solutions.

The cool thing about indie filmmaking is you're more open to collaboration. I reached out to Tim Beachum founder of Jackin4Beats.Com, one of the original Hip Hop music news sites, to connect with artists for the soundtrack. We were both hungry to see a hot urban movie that had a Black and Latino perspective. I flew out from So Cal to Virginia Beach to see if we could pull together on 'Consignment'. He joined the team and I ended up editing the movie on the East Coast with him.

Through collaboration I was able to add a quality soundtrack featuring East Coast & West Coast artists including Custom Made Recordings, Ayreon The Don™, and Malice & Da Commission. Also I was able to work with an editor that understood the pacing of the movie. When you're sitting in an editing suite with someone for long hours it helps a lot of if you're in the same page. The CGI effects Tim Beachum was able to deliver looked great, especially the work he did on a scene that caused for an acid trip.

I completed my 2nd film titled 'In With Thieves'. I new the cast was solid on this shoot because Casting Director/Production Coordinator Stream Gardner (always a slash in indie) was able to bring actors back from 'Consignment'.

Plus deliver some actors that brought their best with no ego. What I liked on this movies was we mixed it up big time in this urban movie. We folded in the Albanian Mob, American crooks from the streets, and a Cuban cartel that practiced a wild version of Santeria. I asked a family friend that ran a botanica to show me items that would fit the movies. She set me up down to Jesus Malverde giving us realism at the voodoo altar. Despite all the unique creative elements this movie is still urban to the core.

Bollywood on your phone

Bollywood on Your Phone

By: Philip Nicosia
The Bollywood craze has swept around the world, as fans of "Hindi Cinema" have fallen in love with the kietschy (and yet unusually addictive) high-pitched songs, exaggerated hand and eye movements, and tendency of characters to break into large-scale musical numbers at the oddest moments, and often against anachronistic settings like the Swiss Alps.

But music is an integral part of Bollywood films, so that even a dark and edgy drama has to have at least one catchy song and corresponding dance number woven into the script. In fact, in India, the sound track is released before the movie, so that everyone is humming the song as they enter the theatres.

Most Bollywood songs are actually lip-synched by the actors, the voices "borrowed" from professional playback singers. (The exceptions are Kishore Kumar K. L. Saigal, Suraiyya and Noor Jehan, who are known for both their acting and their singing). were also known as both singers and actors. Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Abhishek Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan also sang in their movies. However, playback singers have their own following-like Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi and Yesudas.

Today's Bollywood songs are known for how they remix filmi songs with modern beats and rhythms, adding an interesting edge to the ancient folk dances and steps that make up a typical Bollywood number (although it is not uncommon to see current hits incorporating MTV or Broadway twists).

While some Bollywood songs are directly related to the plot, there are also item numbers where someone performs a catchy number-like a courtesan dancing for a rich client in a cabaret scene, or disco scenes, or dancing at celebrations.

Bollywood soundtracks usually become big hits, and there are cases when the music outsells the movie. Due to their incredible popularity, it is not surprising that many of the songs are now available as ringtones. Now you can listen to "Kabhi kushi kabhi ghum" or " Bolein chooriyaan" on your phone. Some come in polyphonic form, but many are already available as true tones.

With such a rich music tradition, the amount of Bollywood ringtones available are staggering-we're talking thousands, ranging from the sweet love song with choral "dialogues" between two star-crossed lovers, or funky dance remixes that combine techno with traditional Indian folk music.

Bollywood's appeal has spread across the world, and now across mediums. From Bombay to Brisbane, the movie screen to the mobile phone. Get it now.

Role models

How do one goes about when choosing a role model because most of us will choose our parents as our role models but then the rest go about choosing celebrities as their idols which sometimes could be disturbing the case in mind will be Paris Hilton I like to think she is the intelligent lady even though lady is a little bit too much to describe her I am glad I don’t have children as I don’t think I would let my child idolize her I will basically make sure that any contact with her is as limited as possible I mean the girl smokes drugs and blame her friends for it the list she could do is take responsibility for her action then there is rap stars where do I

Avoid being scammed

On my quest on trying to earn a decent money on the net which I like to think I am entitled to since I spend almost half of my day on the internet I found myself signing to almost every affiliate company there is and on my way I think or to put it right I had become the victim of scam when it comes to making money.

Reality checks

It looks like these days more and more people want to clam their 5munite of fame it getting ridicules and I am not going to talk talking about that freight attendant because the guy is totally crazy or the priest who I don’t believe for a second that he was actually lead people or maybe the crazy ones are those people who sit every Sunday to listen to him speak but I am referring to the reality shows I mean come on!!! Maybe some of us get the concept behind the talent shows like idols & so on but the rest of them let just said they are on the down side. I was shocked about Kate’s decision to as the mother to let her children to let her children being followed by cameras day in day out but soon I realized that the real stars of that shows were not the children but rather her and her husband they both turned into divas as the show went on, I was amazed how their marriage crumbles before our eyes when a more normal person who had perhaps redrew and tries to save the marriage but those two no; they had to go to talk show and tells anyone who cares to listen how much they hated each other and we all know how Kate tries everything in her power in our screen.

nascar now

Nascar racing

Ever since last year I decided to follow NASCAR raring that was when offcause f1 stared to get boring and predictable I must said I don’t regret the switch everyone who knows me knows that I am the big Montoya fan for those who doesn’t know what I am talking about he is the guy who used to drive for BMW back when it was cool to be an f1 driver I am talking about the Schumacher era and speaking of Schumacher can someone please tell the younger one Ralph or something to come to NASCAR it will do wonders for his racing reputation beside being know as Michael younger brother. I have found that while in f1 it all about the car and the speed limit it can achieve in NASCAR it all about the driver and his ability to drive in difficult situations and the cars well... Let just said that most of them don’t finish the race in one piece.

Will smith daughter is making an album

Will smith is turning into Joe Jackson first it was his son now his daughter willow is making an album I am not really sure that a good idea beside I’ve seen that girl attitude it a recipe for disaster before we know it she will be running around naked let hope at least she can sing

Pastor bows down

That guy is a serious attention seeker off cause I am speaking about Pastor Terry Jones about his plan of burning the qu;ran he knew very well the tension it will bring

cricket zeros

I am the huge fan of cricket well that is normal if you are south African and let just say the current scandal does not do the sport any justice especially now that the twenty tournament is fastly approaching I mean come on Pakistan has one of my favorite players of all time but somehow they always find themselves on the wrong side of the law what I really like to know is how that guy who apparently exposed them going to make money from now on they were the one who served his services it does not make sense why would you

Internet troubles

These days I am spending more and more time on the internet and I guess you have already guessed it my connection bill is rising fast normally I would only used my internet to read emails and buy few items which would not pass an hour now I spent hours leaning internet business marketing which I must admit is not practical most of the time which can means that I had wasted my time.
Today I am going market my site or maybe I should had said try to market it to get more traffic as they said the key to success on the internet is to get more traffic on your site and I am prepared to spend the entire day if I must. I had also realized that the more I sign up for these companies who promises a lot on the net the more spam I get on my mails which is annoying off course.

credit cards vs normal bank account

As good as the internet is I am afraid it is not that user friendly for a normal person or should I said poor people who don’t have full time employment there for can not produce credit card or check account. For example I have a friend who does not have the cards every time when she want to buy something on the net from almost every companies she need to use someone else’s card just to buy CD even if she is buying something from her country which I think it crazy.

money on money

On my quest to making money n the net I have realized that you must have money in order to make one I signed myself on affiliate companies sopposely free and what do you know the free account does not actually gives anything you still need to upgrade to be able to take full advantage of the system. And pay per click emails come on whho can make a living on 2cent but no need to be critical as its early days I still think it a waste of time.

money challange

These days I decided to start making money seriously and I am going to do it using the internet. I am taking a challenge to try to make money on the internet using the different so called money scheme including blogging yes I want to find out whether normal people like me can really make money on the web off cause by normal I mean someone with little or no experience on the web. I am one of those people who are convince that in order to pull out big numbers you definitely need to have a deep pocket you know what I mean you must have money in order to make money I have already done my first challenge that will be to have a free website account in my case it would be a blogsite as I am still trying to figure out my way onward maybe I will ad a full site once I am used to this to sell product as they said digital product but for now I will have to do with blogspot and adsense and see if I could make money; any money for that matter.

I had already sign out for one of those affiliate site reading emails for money and clicking ads and see how it goes I am already their biggest critics I definitely don’t believe in them I thing they are the rip off but I am willing to try out myself for the full six months before deciding on which is best money making ways on the internet.